The HARK Journal recognizes student talent from elementary-to-university level.
Enjoy the student contributions below.
Elementary Division
I am a little Indian from Caddo tribe
I feel waves splashing on my hand
High School Division
O, children please be a dear
And don’t regard with any fear
The teeth I have may be quite sharp
For the rougarou feeds at night
I am a little girl in a Caddo Indian tribe
I wonder where all these strangers are heading to
The moon had just set on the small town as the boy sat on his bed, wishing for a greater purpose in life.
Deep in the piney forests of the Caddo Indian territory, near the Red River, a young man sat wondering about the ways of the world.
In the early 1700s, there was a girl named Angeline who worked as a slave on a northern Louisiana plantation.
On October 21, 1785, Henry M. Shreve was born. His parents were Israel Shreve and Mary Cokely.
Washish awoke during the night to see a vast expanse of rolling hills. He could not sleep because of flashbacks.
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